Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy lays out the information we collect from you when you use our website or otherwise contact us, and the ways in which we ensure that it is kept private and secure. Please take the time to review this Privacy Policy carefully, as it tells you how your personal information will be treated by us.

Our ongoing commitment to data security and the browsing experience may result in periodic changes to our website. As a result, there may also be occasional revisions to this Privacy Policy. Please remember to refer back to this Privacy Policy regularly to review any amendments, and ensure that you are fully informed about how we collect and store data.


Under the recent EU GDPR ruling, we are committed to complete data transparency, and are obliged to fulfil any requests to view or erase your data. To do this, you can contact us at:


Gooey Digital Ltd

Bramling House, Bramling, CT3 1NB

Email with the subject line ‘GDPR Data Request’


01227 455896 (calls charged at your standard network rate)

Data requests are conducted free of charge, and we will get back to you within 7 days of receipt of your message. As a small company, we are not required to have a data protection officer. Any enquiries about our use of your personal data should be addressed to the contact details above.

If you have any queries concerning your personal information, or any questions about our use of this information, please email and we will be happy to help.

How we use your data

Visiting our website

When you visit our site, we may automatically log your IP address (the unique address which identifies your computer on the internet) which is automatically recognised by our web server.

We use IP addresses to help us administer the site and to collect broad demographic information for aggregate use (e.g. the country you are visiting from).

Using our website

When you use our website to browse our products and services or read our absorbing blog posts, a number of cookies are used by us and by third parties.

These small text files are stored on your computer, and are used by websites to collect useful information about visitor demographics, improve the functionality of the website, and optimise the website to further improve the user experience.

All user data collected from cookies is anonymised, and so contains no information that can be used to identify you. As such, Gooey Digital retains the right to store this data indefinitely.

You can disable cookies on this and other websites by enabling the ‘do not track’ functionality in your browser using these guides: Firefox Chrome Safari


Find out more about cookies and how our site uses them from our Cookie Policy.

Submitting an enquiry via our website

When you submit an enquiry via the contact forms on our website, we ask you for your name, contact telephone number and email address.

We use this information to respond to your query, including providing you with any requested information about our products and services. We may also send further emails to follow up on your interest, and ensure that we have answered any questions to your satisfaction. We do this based on a legitimate interest in providing accurate information prior to a sale.

Your enquiry is stored and processed as an email, both on our local machines and on remote mail servers. We do not formally catalogue these details or use them for marketing purposes, other than the legitimate interests detailed above.

Third-party sites

Emails and cookie data collected by Gooey Digital are stored on third-party servers, both inside and outside of the European Union. These third-party data processors adhere to EU-US Privacy Shield Frameworks, and are committed to GDPR compliance.

While Gooey Digital is responsible for and committed to the protection of your data when it is sent to third parties, we cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other websites, even if you access them using links from our site. We recommend that you check their privacy policies to find out what data they collect and how they manage it.

Disclosing your information to others

Other than the disclosures referred to in this policy, we will not disclose any personal information without your permission unless we are legally entitled or obligated to do so (for example, if required to do so by Court Order or for the purposes of prevention of fraud or other crime).

We do not sell or share data, and our third-party data processors are committed to upholding the same privacy ideals enshrined under the GDPR legislation.

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